Backgammon is the oldest game in recorded history. It has been called as the "wee war," backgammon started in ancient Iraq approximately 5 millennia ago. However, Egyptians called backgammon "Senat," which was a close style of the present game enjoyed today. Centuries ago, just men and women of power, the prevailing figures of aristocracy like Egyptian pharaohs, were permitted to play. The game started to expand worldwide in time. Distinctive Backgammon variants have been developed in many regions and societies, but the main codes of those variants look like those of the antiquated form . For instance, Greece grabbed a hold of the game and coined the title "bac gamen." From there, the English started playing backgammon in the 1600’s and have continued to play it ever since. Backgammon and other antiquated games weren’t ever welcomed by most faiths. The churches felt that the game was the work of Beelzebub. This led churches to abolish and destroy the game. The abolishment and burning had never prevent many people enjoying games and enjoying themselves.

Technology gives a new platform for Backgammon. When assorted video machines are sold everywhere, computer researchers in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been using Backgammon for assessing, creating and analyzing AI ideas and formulas because of the ease of game principles and difficulties of plans.

With the embracing of the world wide web, backgammon has advanced to a completely new level. A great many might not know that online Backgammon is already loaded on most of PCs that run MicroSoft Windows operating systems by default in "Games" menu option. Net Backgammon connects hundreds of thousands of gamblers throughout the world. Once you join a net game website, you can bet on Backgammon against a computer, or opposed to a real player. Wagering sites have been holding Backgammon tournaments regularly. You can participate in Backgammon for fun, or for money. There are countless of groups devoted to internet backgammon, along with special game software that you can retrieve to play opposed to others. Gamblers love Backgammon for the fact that it’s simple yet still requires an abundance of alertness and ability.